Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Regulations and Dilemmas with File Sharing

There are innumerable legal issues related the act of file sharing over internet. Typical violation of laws meant for copyright are the commonest of all. Application of regulations cited under national copyright laws for the peer-to-peer (or P2P) networks for file sharing is getting international importance (RIAA, 2010).
With the help of IT, people can share files worldwide. However, there is a very thin line
between understanding the regulation, giving importance to them and eventually following the cited regulations by law. The approaches of depends on centralized server, whereas others stand decentralized and without any site actually operating the system. Thus, for others, it is necessary to have measures in order to conceal senders’ or the recipient’s identity and most importantly the
material that has been shared. Restrictions to services meant for file hosting are initiated by many nations, yet the sense of insecurity is yet to overcome.  
Cases like those of- a company from Montreal-based capturing a million Canadians indulged in unauthorized activities of file sharing are burning issues (Geist, 2012). The federal laws are definitely there, but most of the people were unaware of these rules. However, there were many who actually tried to corrupt the route of communication and some were there to collect personal files to make some illegal money.  
The matters of concern here are related to the ethical feelings of not intervening other’s domain and restricting oneself to personal periphery. But these are the aspects that are violated by people deliberately and for every safest application to restrict violation of file sharing, there is always a way to break through it. Solutions cannot be achieved, unless some ethical awareness gets generated or strict regulations are implied in this field.   

Geist, M. (2012) The File Sharing Lawsuits Begin: Thousands Targeted at TekSavvy Tuesday December 11, 2012 [Retrieved on 19th Oct, 013]

RIAA (2010) "RIAA joins congressional caucus in unveiling first-ever list of notorious illegal sites". RIAA. 19 May 2010. [Retrieved on 19th Oct, 013]

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