Friday, October 4, 2013

Lists to Create Your Own Mastermind Group

According to Napoleon Hill, Mastermind Group
consists of two or more people that work in perfect harmony for the attainment of a definite purpose.”        
                                                          ---Thinkand Grow Rich (Hill, 2011)
The very foremost thing that you must understand is that a Mastermind Group is a combination of just two are more people working with the spirit of harmony and cooperation to meet a distinctive goal in a particular business and attain success.
There are innumerable ways to start a Mastermind Group. I hate all those round-about regulations and so, decided to come up with some precise and crystal clear lists that you can follow to create a Mastermind Group of your own.

I. Selection of Mastermind Group Members

The members -you select for the Mastermind group must have the following
Ø  Right attitude and commitment towards the business.
Ø  Each one of them has some specialised field of expertise and experiences.  
Ø  All of them must believe in action rather than just discussions.
Ø  Exposure to internet and online marketing must be an added benefit.

II. Steps for Creating the Mastermind Group

Step I Invitation: Create an Invitation Card specifying the aim of your Mastermind Group. Make it clear that you will be glad if only the participant thinks that he can contribute towards the business goal.
Step 2 Meeting: Organise a meeting to explain and clarify the aim of the Mastermind Group.
Step 3 Agenda: Discuss the agenda with the members and make sure everybody says something about it.  
Step 4 Commitments: Ensure that every member of the Mastermind group assures dedication, confidentiality and on-time performances to the established goals.  
Step 5 Get-Together: By the end of the meeting, arrange some friendly games and meal to create the feeling of togetherness.

III. List of Actions of the Mastermind Group

Make the right strategy for the success of respective business and enlist the following in your agenda-
ü  Holding accountability of the business
ü  Sharing all the necessary contacts
ü  Sharing of different expertises
ü  Sharing of fresh perspectives
ü  Asking for greater questions for success
ü  Helping the business to think out of the box
ü  Sharing relevant resources
ü  Encouraging and supporting business participants

IV. 5 Points for Successful Launching of Mastermind Group

Point 1 To agree over definite aim of attaining profitable business. All the selected members must accept this single aim of business success and must believe that every action should be in favour of it.  
Point 2 Make sure that everyone gets the benefits. Check regularly about the performances and participations of the Mastermind group members.
Point 3 Foster respects for all the Mastermind group members and always create room for discussion for every suggestion. Ask for practical ways to meet the particular plan.
Point 4 Maintain absolute harmony among the group members. There should be the understanding that business profitability and success are the keys to any proceeding and personal egos should not be entertained.
Point 5 Build positive polarity and trust among the group members. Create enough bonding among the members so that no one will leave the group if his/her words are not followed.

If you can follow these points there cannot be any stoppage to your success.

If you can follow these points there cannot be any stoppage to your success.

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