Friday, November 7, 2014

Cosmetic Surgery by 2015

Beauty lies in the eyes of the Beholder’; but how many people will agree with this. The concept of Cosmetic Surgery is just an extension to this idea of looking beautiful and glamorous through out your life.
As we can see, Pamela Anderson, had bodily enhancement, displays more than one aftermarket part. As for rearranging looks there can be none other than Michael Jackson. As compared to any other country America is spending more in this surgery.
In 2007, and amount of more than $13 billion for nearly 11.7 million cosmetic procedures where spent only by Americans. It has been found that the impact of economic and non-economic variables on industry growth is the reason behind this increasing rate.

There is an estimation made over this practice is 2015. It has been found that till 2015, almost 17 percent of the residents of the United States will be getting cosmetic procedures, the body enhancement industry predicts. Added to this a new study published by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) predicts that in 2015, there will be more than 55 million cosmetic surgery procedures performed. It sounds strange but is well assessed estimation. Bill last year the non-surgical cosmetic procedure for U.S. men and women was Botox injection. The predictions say that by 2015, there will be 88 percent of all cosmetic procedures will be non-surgical. This however is yet to happen.

The process of Cosmetic surgery, declares some caution that needs to be paid attention. It can go bad, as appears to be the case with Priscilla Presley.

According to ASPS President Richard D'Amico, MD, "Potential patients, however, need to know that board-certified plastic surgeons are uniquely qualified with an in-depth medical knowledge of the entire human body. They have the training necessary to accurately assess your individual needs and map health and beauty goals for your entire lifetime." 

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