It is really a difficult task to understand the ways to deal with arrogant behavior. If you are dealing with a person with the sense of exaggeration for his/her achievements and abilities; constant demand for interest and praise; the aura of being "special" and being comparative; expressing constant fantasies of being powerful and preoccupied with self-esteem and with no empathy for other; then you must understand that it is a state of NPD or the Narcissistic Personality disorder in the person.
According to American Psychiatric Association
(2000), ��Narcissistic Personality Disorder is
a kind of
personality disorder, where the person gets excessively preoccupied with concerns
related to personal power, adequacy, vanity and
prestige. In general term, it is the
accumulation of all the above noted features and gets recognized as an
arrogant behavior.
Clinical Solutions
Ways to deal with arrogant behavior have been
much explored by many psychologists. A research followed by Johnson, (1987,
p.32) collected some clinical approaches to deal with NPD or arrogant behavior.
There can be the application of Schema Therapy that is an amalgamation of
therapeutic approaches like cognitive, psychodynamic, behavioral
treatments, etc.
According to Golomb (1992, p.23), NPD is
actually an unconscious fear of getting exposed about personal
weaknesses or being inadequate enough to remain
defensive towards personal any disdain scenario. The solution in such
circumstances is to follow a therapeutic process of changing pattern of life for a longer duration. In this process it is important
that the environment and people support the narcissist in
overcoming their abilities and realize their social capabilities. It is necessary
that the person start understanding the importance of being empathetic towards all
kinds of relationships.
In order to help people with arrogant
behavior, Kohut (1971) suggests that it is very important to modify the sense
of self-centeredness and offer them with circumstances whereby they
can identify theier capability to apply their talents, and can further assist others in attaining personal developments.
Though it has been cleared by Kohut that this approach might not clear the
state of self-perception towards their image for entitlement, yet a feeling to empathize others will
Amidst all kinds of ways to deal with arrogant
behavior, a very effective one has been initiated by
Sperry (1999, p.136), as temperament change. As per Sperry, the feelings of rage, anger impatience
and impulsivity should be handled through skill training. It is
important that every person get some amount of skill training so
that he or she can understand that there are lots to learn and achieve. In
case the person is suffering from depression with NPD, there is the strict recommendation of proper medication.
American Psychiatric Association (2000)
Narcissistic Personality disorder. Published by Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders. DSM-IV-TR).
Golomb, E. (1992). Trapped in the Mirror.
Published by NewYork: Morrow, p.
Johnson, S. M. (1987) Humanizing the
narcissistic style. Published by WW. Norton. p. 39.
Kohut, H. (1971). The Analysis of the Self: A
Systematic Approach to the Psychoanalytic Treatment of Narcissistic Personality
Disorders. Published by University Of Chicago Press
Sperry, L. and Freeman, A. (1999) Narcissistic
Personality Disorder, Cognitive Behavior Therapy of DSM-IV Personality
Disorders: Highly Effective Interventions for the Most Common Personality
Disorders. Published by Routledge pp. 31-138.
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