Friday, April 30, 2021

COVID Crisis and Cross Border Collaboration by Nations: In a Nutshell

Guest Author: Deba
Contact: Deba

We have always read several fictions about the rising of a dark era, seen in movies about the zombie apocalypse and maybe even heard about the rise of demons in our mythological tales. But the last quarter of 2019 showed the world that it can be a reality. As the COVID pandemic started in China and turned into an epidemic engulfing the entire globe, the likeness of the horrors of the Spanish Flu and the Black Plague again haunted the world population. It soon became very clear that nations have to align their goals leaving aside their differences if humanity had to overcome this COVID-19 crisis.

Scientists started cross-border collaboration in both public and private sectors. The research was undertaken in such magnitude that within 1 year scientists were able to develop successful vaccines. Let us look at the top 5 countries that led the research and generated studies that help in the counter-offensive against Corona Virus:

Source: Derived from OECD

United States led the field followed by China, Italy, UK and India. These five countries by themselves and thru collaboration had done almost 40000 research and as I have mentioned earlier, all nations have done some kind of research on COVID-19. Even smaller countries like Thailand have contributed to our fight against the Corona epidemic.

Source: Derived from OECD
Source: Derived from OECD

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