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The selected subject for the study is
‘Attract & Retain Agricultural Workforce’.
For this Annotated Bibliography, two peer reviewed journal articles on retaining workforce in the
sector of agriculture, in reference to New Zealand, have been selected. One more article is read in
context of Thailand. The purpose is to comprehend all those aspects that can
hold workforce for longer duration.
This objective gets followed by the reading of the article by OECD that deals with the features of attracting,
refining and training agricultural
workforce. However, it has been marked that the importance still must be on
rural labour markets.
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Article 1: Attract and Retain Agricultural Workforce
Froy, F., S. Giguère and A. Hofer
(eds.) (2009). Designing Local Skills Strategies, Local Economic and Employment
Development (LEED), OECD Publishing, Paris. doi: 10.1787/9789264066649-en
The research based article for OECD
by Froy (et al, edts. 2009), lays emphasis over the wide ranged mode of
understanding increasing demands of developing skills for social and economic
development of the particular region.
Based on critical case studies of
understanding the approach to train HR job designing approach, this report made
investigatory analyses of labour markets, especially in Shanghai, Australia,
and New York city.
It has been derived from various
case studies that for sustainability in any sector, it is very important to
construct a knowledge-based economic sector. The report agrees that the
concerns related to attracting
and further retaining the human resource is a matter of great challenge.
Role of the local policy makers for developing local strategies in enhancing
workforce, has been marked as very mandatory. The challenges of retention of
labour in a particular market has been evaluated in reference to the increasing
trends of international migration.
Froy (et al, edts. 2009) made a wide
ranged research analysis of various job markets with the purpose to check the
global challenges that re related to hurdles of retaining talented human
resources in a particular company. The analyses are made on generalised grounds
and appeared to remain applicable in every sector for attracting and retaining
good skilful employees.
Article Relevance
In accordance to the points
collected about the challenges of attracting and retaining high-skilled labour
in almost every sector of global economy, this research work is like an eye
opener of the wider and generalised issues related to the selected topic of
this research.
Since this research based article
offers critical analyses of different demographic locations, such as Shanghai,
Australia, and New York city; it becomes obvious for the researcher to
understand the wide ranged perspectives related to the attraction and retention
of labour in a particular sector. The data analysed and illustrated for OECD,
is very effective in attaining an elaborative knowledge about the local
approach of developing specialised job-oriented designing and skill development
facilities, so that optimum benefits from the resources can be acquired (Froy
et al, edts. 2009). This investigatory approach is supportive in offering
critical dimensions for gaining long term organisational strategic approaches
for retention of the employees, especially in the selected sector of
As a whole, this article is the base
for initiating the understanding about the possible general challenges in attracting
and retaining efficient skilled labours in the sector of agriculture.
Article 2 Attract and Retain Agricultural Workforce
Kelly, M., Seubsman, S., Banwell,
C., Dixon, J., & Sleigh, A. (2015). Traditional, modern or mixed?
Perspectives on social, economic, and health impacts of evolving food retail in
Thailand. Agriculture and Human Values, 32(3), 445-460.
The article by Kelly, et al (2015)
deals with transnational ways of understanding food retailing business. With
focus on the market of Thailand, this research based article offers the aspects
related to attain Foreign investments for the development of the Agricultural
sector in Thailand.
Based on Quantitative questionnaires
& Qualitative interviews, this research attains hold over the challenges
and hurdles related to the process of urbanization, participation of women in
the mainstream agricultural sector, control of new markets, etc. the purpose of
this research work is to know how and what kind of resources are the necessary
for developing the labour market of the agricultural sector.
The interesting derivations of this
research lay focus in the process of building developmental options in the
socio-economic domain, geographic specifications and product categorisations in
the sector of agricultural food retailing. The transnational barriers of
accomplishing agriculture based food business, bifurcated possibilities of food
system in Thailand, and the amalgamated business modules of traditional and
modern practices; are some of the ways to understand the in-depth complexities
of agricultural sector, and the challenges that actually intimidates the labour
market from participation. The attracting
and retaining of the employees in this sector thus, get an incore insight
through this article.
Article Relevance
An elaborate reading of this article
offers a foreground of knowledge in understanding the complexities and the
critical challenges that the agricultural sector faces in the retail business.
The case study of the Thailand market is a representation of all those markets
that are still emerging and are from developing nations. Considering the case
of Thailand, the research can have good understanding of the job profile of the
employees who are involved in the retaining business of the agricultural
sector. The challenges and the barriers for career growth can be well realised
through this article.
It is in this context that this
article is going to support the thematic way of knowing those aspects of the
job that can attract more and more participants to the agricultural sector.
Followed by this purpose is the fruitful understanding of the kind of job
design that can make retention a great option for any agricultural
organisation. It is important that the employer understands the difficulties
and the challenges of the employees so that better job design can be
constructed by the HR planning department. The ultimate goal will be to achieve
an appropriate way of noting down feasible strategies for attracting
skilful human resources and retaining them on long term basis for
organisational growth in agriculture sector.
Article 3 Attract and Retain Agricultural Workforce
Horsburgh, S., & Langley, J. D.
(2011). Recruitment and retention of farm owners and workers for a six-month
prospective injury study in New Zealand: a feasibility study. Journal of
Occupational Medicine and Toxicology (London, England), 6, 16.
The peer reviewed journal article by
Horsburgh & Langley (2011) deals with the concern of safety of workers
involved in the agricultural sector. These scholars laid focus on the high
rates as has been happening occupational injury workers experience. The
researcher noted that there is hardly any research work done in this context.
Hence, they followed a cohort study that was stimulated for six months, to
identify the diversified ways that remain vulnerable in creating safety issues
for the workers at the agricultural sector. The critical analysis was
investigated over various firms and the workers in terms of their
participations and retention in a particular job profile. The focus was led
over the proceedings of feasibility to gain wide ranged deployment of workers
in the agricultural sector.
The results derived by these
scholars marked that levels of recruitment as against other fields with remain
with 24% as in the farms and 36% as in case of participation of the non-owner
workers. As the worker gets recruited, the process of retention attains as high
as 85% & 86%, respectively.
The conclusive results shows that in
case of retaining
the workers in the agricultural firms, the main tasks is in the process of
recruitment. This is the critical state whereby the prospects of retention
relies severely as per safety norms.
Article Relevance
The selection of this article is
considered as vital to this research initiative as it deals with safety and
health related norms of the workers who are part of the agricultural sector.
This research work deals with the workers in the agricultural sector, and the
same offers great deal of knowledge in understanding the psychology of people
who are part of the agricultural sector. In reference to employee
attraction and retention, as considered by the current research work, the
notable points related to recruitment process appears very vital. It is
significant to note that even the employees, like the workers, would like to
continue with their services, if they too get safety and health related
benefits from the particular company or organisation.
In reference to agricultural sector,
definitely the workers cannot be considered as mirror image to the employees,
yet they can be well related to the working environment in an agricultural
sector. As the derivations of this research work are closely knitted to attract
and retain labours, it offer wide ranges scope to understand the circumstances
that are related to the employees retention process in the organisations
dealing with agricultural sector.
Article 4 Attract and Retain Agricultural Workforce
Hoyos, M. de., and Green, A.
(2011) Recruitment and retention issues
in rural labour markets. Journal of Rural Studies. Volume 27, Issue 2, April
2011, Pages 171-180
This core objective of this paper is
to check out all those perspectives that are meant to offer scopes of
recruitment and further retention of employees, who are working in rural areas.
The issues related to the recruitment and the retention of employees for the
rural areas, have been analysed and investigated to understand the hurdles and
derive solutions for the purpose of retaining employees in any sector that
belongs to the rural areas.
The process of research analysis
adopted by Hoyos and Green (2011) are based on interview sessions with
intermediaries of labour market and the employers from organisations that are
functioning for various sectors, in rural areas of Lincolnshire, UK. The core
objective is to analyse and discuss the increasing demands of the labour market.
The issues related to hard-to-fill
vacancies as against the abundant availability of labour supply, gets
critically evaluated. The process of investigation derives that though the
labour market is abundant, yet hurdles to dwell in rural areas affects the
retention process. The concerns related to economic and demographic backups are
also some of the concerns identified by this research work. Quality-oriented
labour market is another issues that seems to affect the rural demographic
placement and retention, a lot.
Article Relevance
The importance of this research work
is vital to the current study as it deals with the recruitment and retention
proceedings in reference to rural areas. Since, the current research work is
dealing with agricultural sector, the challenges faced by the employees in the
rural areas remain one of the major analytical aspect, to be explored.
Agriculture in any nation, is
basically initiated in rural areas, it is here that the employees working for
any firm or organisation must have the capability to sustain in rural areas.
Limitations to their lifestyles and facilities are some of the major concerns
that can be related to the challenges of attracting and retaining employees in
the agricultural sector. The derivations led by Hoyos and Green (2011)
establishes the fact that though the labour market is in abundance, yet there
concerns of recruitment and retention of labours or employees, is still hard to
manage by the HR. Need for appropriate strategies for attracting and retaining
employees in the agricultural sector, is the demand of the time. With least
involvement of employees in the agricultural sector, there is the possibility
of crisis in future. Hence, it is this concern that the current research will
derive ways to understand the strategic HR formulations to attract and retain
more and more employees in the agricultural sector that basically exists in
rural areas.
Article 5 Attract and Retain Agricultural Workforce
Haar, J. M. and White, B. J. (2011).
Corporate entrepreneurship and information technology towards employee
retention: a study of New Zealand firms. Human Resource Management Journal.
January 2013. Volume 23, Issue 1, pp. 109-125
The peer-reviewed journal article by
Haar and White (2011) deals with a more independent way of looking into the
functionalities of agricultural sector. The major emphasis of this research
work is on the advantages of holding entrepreneurship for an elevated
performance of a firm. The integrated involvement of Information Technology, in
developing entrepreneurship, has been marked as the base of this research work.
Haar and White (2011) initiated
their research work in 158 firms of New Zealand, and attained results related
to the means of gaining
performance measures. These are all inclusive of results from non‐financial
categories. The basic approach is to understand how to gain the hold over
retention of employees under entrepreneurship.
The derivative results are direct
and in substantial mode of connectivity with trends of employee retention and
corporate entrepreneurship. Moreover, the effects as collected from the
derivations led from IT dimensions as well as high IT objects a appears very
effective in adding interactive transparency between the employer and the
employees. The focus on high knowledge over interactive facilities through IT
and maintenance of entrepreneurial culture are two major derivations of this
research. The result of having 10% more retention of employees with IT
supported means add meaning to the concerns of attracting and retaining
employees in agricultural sector.
Article Relevance
The effective application of high
knowledge on IT based interactive facilities among employers and employees,
appears to be very helpful to the current trend of research work. Corporate
communication through IT and maintenance of entrepreneurial culture are some of
the major fields of analysis that can contribute towards the ways of meeting
the challenges of attracting and retaining employees, especially in the
agricultural sector.
Based on the results derived by Haar
and White (2011), it will be very reasonable to analysis the IT sector for
adding transparency of communication to the current research approach. Since
the target is to retain employees in an organisation, this inclusion can add a
definite positive edge to the current research.
However, specifications related to
the demographic and cultural differences will be made part of the elaborative
study. The IT based speculations will be noted in context of checking over the
possible HR
planning and firm performance as targeted by any particular firm. Critical
analysis of entrepreneurial culture for attracting and retaining employees can
be integral part of the current research work.in its approach the basic
emphasis will be in understanding the behavioural and psychological preferences
of the employees to join or continue with their job related to agricultural
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